Bad Poetry

blobby jo

Many, many years ago I used to have fun writing the silliest, worst poems I could craft. Many study hall hours in high school and unproductive hours at work were spent jotting down intentionally bad prose/poetry. I discovered this little gem a few days ago in an old folder and thought it deserved to be the subject of today's "Quick Sketch." Enjoy! 

Sneak Peak... The Fisherman & His Wife

My apologies for the sporadic posting dear blog reader(s). I've been under the weather off and on since the holidays and my productivity has taken a wee beating. Yarghhhh. On a happier note, I have begun a new personal project this year. I am illustrating scenes from lesser known classic fairytales. Oh sure, EVERYONE has heard of Cinderella and Snow White (Thanks Walt!) but have you ever heard of Hurleburlebutz? Or The Mouse, the Bird, and the Sausage? There are so many deliciously odd and borderline creepy fairy tales just waiting to be discovered and I can't wait to put my spin on them!

Stay tuned... 

Bring on the New Year!!!


I've never been much of a New Year's fan. (For some reason I have always found it terribly depressing—even as a child it made me sad). So this year I am determined to celebrate the coming of 2016 with lots of color. May 2016 be one of peace, health and happiness for all.