The Lehman Family

Last month I was asked, "Do you illustrate family portraits?" My initial gut instinct was alarm bells ringing "DANGER! DANGER WILL ROBINSON!" because, let's be honest, my illustration style isn't exactly photo realistic and while I'm capable of doing realistic work, it is not a style I can have fun with. I considered the person asking and felt comfortable enough to answer, "Sure, I'd consider it as long as you are ok with it being in 'my style'? If you want it to look exactly like you all then I am probably not your girl." She answered, "I love your style and that's EXACTLY the reason I want you to do it!" Cool. So here is my first "official" family portrait commission. It's easy not to mess up when the entire family is positively adorable. The entire experience was pleasant enough that I've agreed to do another portrait for another adorable family. Stay tuned.

The Lehman Family Portrait
real portrait in action