The other day while not sleeping at 3 am, I had the brilliant idea to make my kids some handmade t-shirts. I thought it would be SIMPLE! and FUN! to quickly draw up a couple of quickie graphic sketches and put them on some bright t-shirts. My first brainstorm came in the form of using bleach to paint out my sketches on fabric. I spent the better part of 30 minutes, using bleach to ruin a perfectly good t-shirt. No matter how fine a paintbrush I used, I didn't have the kind of control over the bleach that I wanted and the bleach didn't whiten the fabric but made it a grosser shade of its original self. And oh yeah, it was pretty darn toxic.
Not to be deterred, I ran back to the friendly neighborhood craft store and found some fabric markers which I thought would afford me better control. The markers, even those with the finest tips, still were chunkier then I would have liked and seemed to pick up cotton fibers from the shirt every time I drew, but it got the job done.
Behold, two quick, cheap, one-o-a-kind boy tees. The boys were happy with them (i.e. not embarrassed to be seen out in public wearing them) and that is all that matters. I think next time, unless I can figure out a way to cheaply screen print from home, I'll just use a Sharpie and save myself the aggravation.
“Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto”
“Be Awesome”