Pretty self explanatory, I think. :(
When We Were Young
Remember way back in ye olden times when you could hurl your body down steep hills with reckless abandon...running full force down a grassy slope oblivious to the potential for tearing a tendon in your knee, peeing your pants and/or rupturing a disc???
I miss those joints, discs and bladder of my youth.
It's Official. MOO rocks.
Behold! My new business cards (insert trumpets, here). They arrived in the mail yesterday a week ahead of schedule and I was all kinds of impressed. While I was searching for an online vendor who specialized in printing color accurate business cards on high-quality paper stock, I stumbled upon MOO. Easy website, awesome customer service and some beautifully simple packaging have made me a customer for life. (Please note: I am not a paid sponsor. I just think they rock).
To get you some, go to:
Heavy is the head that wears the frown.
Monday Morning Coffee Fix. The Usual Suspects...
Everybody wants (NEEDS!!!! WE NEEDS IT!!!) their java fix and if they DON'T get it...look out. Unless, of course, you are a small child or the parent of a very small child. Then you're just happy to see everyone else is finally awake, suffering.
Happily Oblivious
Why can't you just love me back?
My youngest child is a lover. He loves little things. Fluffy things. Things that often get scared (or squished) when he comes in close for a "squeezie." Barring the occasional dangerous or rabid little fluffy things, I wish they could just love him back.
The waiting is the hardest part.
Beeeeee Yourself!
There has been a lot of talk recently at our house about what it means to be "different". I happen to be the mother of two children who very much march to the beat of their own drums. (My oldest claims he is "weird, and proud of it!"). I wouldn't have them any other way.
Everyone's a critic.
Who cares what they say anyway? Let your freak flag fly people!
Better Luck Next Time
Sometimes you get the bear. Sometimes the bear gets you. (Or fish, in this case.)
Peep, peep!
Happy Easter!
Some days it seems like there are a million reasons NOT to do something.
I see your anxieties and raise you 100...
I've always been a bit of what my family would call "an emotional sponge", sucking up the joys and pains and sorrows of the world around me. I have been this way for as long as I can remember. I may have been the only 8 year old child who watched Walter Kronkite every single night just to keep tabs on the status of the world (and then lay awake at night anxiously worrying about it). This cumbersome habit has continued into adulthood. I can be brought to an emotional standstill just by reading the newspaper. I suppose this kind of hyper-emotional-sensitivity (note: probably not a real psychological term) comes with the territory of being a creative type. We tend to visualize things more vividly. More life-like. We internalize and apply it to ourselves and that can be scary.
Older and wiser, I now know I can use my emotional sponge-itude (again, probably not a real pyschological term) to my advantage in my art, in my parenting and in my compassion (and tolerance) for my fellow humans. So in honor of my sponge-like ways, I present the first illustration in my personal series about emotion. Illustrator's note: Some (or all) of the anxieties listed may (or may not) be real anxieties experienced every so often (weekly) by yours truly (maybe).
Spring Break!!!!!
At least, this is what Spring Break looks like in a house with little boys... Or maybe it's just my house?
Tissues With Issues
The Sinus-Virus-That-Never-Ends has darkened our door. My nose feels like it has been taken out back and roughed up in a dark alley by some tissues with issues.