
SCBWI Draw This..."Admire"


Once again, I've managed to cut it close on the deadline for the SCBWI Illustrator Challenge word prompt. I decided yesterday evening "Oh yeah! It's due tomorrow so I should probably draw something, huh?" And so here it is another month, another word prompt and another sprint to the finish. I'd love to think this mentality is more because I am a runner who loves the thrill of the race and NOT because I am trying to squeeze in too many things or anything else chaotic in nature... :-0

Although if I'm being honest, it goes deeper then me just being rushed/over-scheduled. I have learned this past year (and I credit my great Critique Group for helping guide me in the right direction), that the drawings I do quickly and more spontaneously feel the most genuine to me. Don't get me wrong! I love having the time to work on a big piece...I do. Really. But there is something about doing these random and quick little pieces which just seems natural to me. Maybe it is a result of my old agency days when going 80mph in a 45 mph scheduling zone became second nature? Or maybe it's because the less time I allow myself to fret and overthink a piece, the better the results and the happier it makes me. I'm pretty sure I know the answer.

So behold, my submission to this month's prompt "Admire." This one makes me smile. I hope you enjoy it too.